štvrtok 7. júla 2016


2 chinese elms I bought when I was starting out at this hobby last year are dead.
Untill now I had a hope that they will come to life eventually, but the hope is gone.
Branches are dry and the buds too.
The cause would be probably spider mites as there were webs on the trees and I saw little red spider coming from under the bark.
I have seen the webs throughout the spring but I thought it was some regular spider who made them and didn´t pay attention to it, I just removed the webs by hand.
When I read about spider mites, it was too late already.
They sucked the life out of the small leaves when they were opening.
The tree in the middle is probably from different part of Asia and its leaves were out long before the leaves on the other 2 trees were only starting to open.
Probably that´s why it is still alive - it had enough leaves to survive later infestation.
So my first penjing is crippled and I will have to buy new elms when I get a chance.
Next spring I wil be more carefull and will repetedly spray the trees with insecticides.
Thankfully my other penjings are doing fine.



2 Čínske bresty ktoré som kúpil keď som začínal s bonsajmi minulý rok na jar sú mŕtve.
Doteraz som dúfal že sa ešte preberú, ale nádej je preč.
Konáriky sú suché aj puky opadávajú keď sa ich jemne dotknem.
Zabili ich pravdepodobne roztočce, keďže som videl jedneho maleho červeného pavúčika vychadzať spod kôry a na stromoch bola pavučina celú jar - myslel som že keďže sú vonku,všade je kopec pavúkov a nevenoval som tomu pozornosť a odstranil pavučiny rukou.
2 stromčeky mali naliate puky a sem tam sa listy začali otvárať, tretí bol už celý v liste, pravdepodobne z inej časti Ázie. To ho asi aj zachránilo, že mal dosť listov keď došlo k napadnutiu.
Práve sa otvárajúce malé lístky nemali šancu a boli vycicane.
Budúci rok budem na jar opakovene striekať proti škodcom a dúfam že takéto niečo sa už nezopakuje.
Môj prvý penjing je zdevastovaný a budem doňho musieť pozháňať nové bresty.
Ešteže zvyšné penjingy s brestami sú ok.

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